Working on Runic War and Avenger of Legends!

Now that I’ve published The Magic Redeemer and Inappropriate Magic, I’m hard at work writing the fifth book in the Runic series - “Runic War” - and the fourth book in the Fate of Legends series - “Avenger of Legends.”

I’ll keep you posted on my progress with each of them on my home page, as usual. I plan on having them both published in the Fall of 2020.

After that, I’ll be working on the sequel to Inappropriate Magic, as well as my first science fiction book!

New Book - Inappropriate Magic!

My newest book has just been published!

It’s an (inappropriate) fantasy comedy called “Inappropriate Magic.”

Destined to become a wizard & save the world, Chauncy got a job instead. 25 years later, destiny is pissed. And this time, it won’t take no for an answer!



Check it out!


Progress Update for Runic series and Fate of Legends series!

Having finished The Magic Redeemer and having nearly finished Inappropriate Magic, a fantasy comedy, I’ve now started working on two new books: Runic War, the 5th book in the Runic series, and Avenger of Legends, the 4th book in the Fate of Legends series!

It feels good to be back with Kyle and Kalibar and the rest of the gang, and of course Hunter and Vi. I’m planning on finishing both books up by September/October, and after that, I’ll work on a science fiction novel and probably the sequel to Inappropriate Magic.

Trying to keep busy during the pandemic! As an ER doctor, I find that keeping busy with multiple projects helps keep me sane.

I’ll keep you up-to-date on my progress as always!

The Magic Redeemer Now Available!

The Magic Redeemer, book 3 in the Magic of Havenwood series, is now available for Kindle and paperback!

Safe within the magical kingdom of Havenwood, Bella Birch studies in earnest to become a Necromancer. For her final exam is only a few years away, and she is determined to be ready for it.

But when General Craven, an invincible living statue, is sent by the queen of the Pentad to arrest Gideon for painting without a license, Bella can only watch as Gideon is captured...and brought to the capitol of the Pentad to stand trial for his crimes.

Now Bella must gather her friends and travel to the capitol to save Gideon from the most powerful kingdom in the world. For the sentence for Gideon's crimes is death by execution, and if Bella doesn't act quickly, his fate will be sealed!

Rough Draft Complete!

I’ve just now - at this very moment - finished the first draft of the third book in the Magic of Havenwood series!

My goal is to publish the book in March, as well as publishing a standalone book then as well. I’ll keep you up to date on my progress as always…and I’ll do a cover reveal as soon as it is available!

If you haven’t checked out the Magic of Havenwood series, click the following links:

Book 1 - The Magic Collector

Book 2 - The Lost Gemini

Happy New Year's Eve!

Happy new year everyone!

I’m excited to start a new year in my career as a writer. I’ll be going down to part time in my day job as an ER doctor, and will be spending more time with my family and writing. I plan on publishing at least 4 books next year, and have quite a few other projects planned.

I hope your New Year’s celebration is fun and safe. Here’s to another year - and decade - come and gone!

End-of-Year Report...and Plans for Next Year!

2019 was a pretty darn good year for writing!

  1. I finished and published Destroyer of Legends, the third book in the Fate of Legends series.

  2. I published The Magic Collector and The Lost Gemini, two books in the new Magic of Havenwood series.

  3. Went to the World Fantasy Convention in Los Angeles, meeting some pretty awesome people!

  4. Designed bookmarks, custom shipping labels, and a whole new series of ad campaigns.

  5. Created a merch shop for t-shirts and such.

  6. Created an online shop on my website and on Facebook for custom signed paperbacks.

  7. Designed and published hardcover versions for most of my books.

  8. Revamped my website.

  9. Attended my first vendor fair!

  10. Set up a home studio with the intent to start a YouTube channel.

  11. Set up a sound studio for recording audiobooks.

  12. Am now halfway through two new books, which I plan to finish in March of next year!

Next year, I plan on publishing four books, including the sequel to Destroyer of Legends and the sequel to Runic Revolt. We’ll see what else I can fit in!

Runic Series and Fate of Legends Series Hardcovers done!

I’ve finished creating and submitting the hardcovers for the Runic series and the Fate of Legends series. They should be available on Amazon in a few weeks!

I published them through Ingramspark, and had my cover designer, the amazing James Egan from Bookfly Design LLC, format the existing covers for hardcover versions. Once I build up some inventory, I should have them available for signed copies as well.

Now I’m working on the hardcovers for The Magic Collector and The Lost Gemini. And I’m halfway done with the sequel to The Lost Gemini…and halfway done with a totally new book (a fantasy-comedy)!

I’ve also got a daughter coming in February-ish. Her name will be Bellatrix Morticia Wood. My wife named her, and as you can tell, my wife is awesome. And a bit dark. Bellatrix inspired Bella, the main character of the Magic of Havenwood series.

Alrighty…back to work!

Signed Paperbacks Available!

I’ve just set up an online store for buying paperbacks signed by me!

You can purchase any of the books I’ve written, and have a customizable dedication text written above the signature if you like. The price is a bit higher than the standard Amazon paperback price, due to the costs of holding inventory shipped from Amazon, then re-shipping them to you.

Click here to get your signed paperbacks!

World Fantasy Convention Over!

Well, I’m back from the World Fantasy Convention in LA!

It was quite a productive experience. I got about 80 pages written, met some great writers, and even got to spend a little quality time with my wife.

Now that I’m back, I’m working hard on finishing up the sequel to The Lost Gemini and an all-new book, and after I finish these, I’m planning on doing the fifth book in the Runic series and the fourth book in the Fate of Legends series.

As always, I’ll keep you posted!

Behind the Scenes #5 - Destroyer of Legends

Spoiler alert! If you haven’t read the full series, go no further!




For the Fate of Legends series, in addition to discussing themes of self vs. community, and how each individual chooses to sacrifice some of their own personality to fit in with a group, I also wanted to explore several different mythologies.

My wife is part Native American, from the Wampanoag tribe of Massachusetts. She also has some Norwegian ancestry, in addition to African. As Hunter is very much like his mother, I wanted to include these into the series.

Thus we have Tykus, who is actually one of Leif Erickson’s sons. He traveled to the United States, and quickly found himself transported to a strange world. They found it overrun by what they thought were dark elves, or Svartalfar in Norse mythology. For the dark elves had their own world called Svartalfheim, separate from Miogaror, or earth. They assumed the portal to this world was one of many allowing travel to the nine worlds of their mythology.

The Kingdom of the Deep is the land of the original Native Americans that went through the portal to the world, long before the Norse or the English and eventually American settlers arrived. They carry the belief system similar to the Wompanoag tribe.

Behind the Scenes #4 - Seeker of Legends

King Tykus was one of my favorite characters to write in the second book of the Fate of Legends series. But in fact, when I arrived at the first chapter with him in it, I was going to make him entirely different. A typical king, espousing the viewpoints of the kingdom that bore his name. Dominant, abrupt, and controlling.

But as I wrote, it felt…wrong. So as usual, I stopped trying to control things and let Tykus write himself. Needless to say, the result was something entirely different than I had expected…and provided a much richer experience for me.

Sometimes characters do write themselves, if you let them. And I’ve found my characters to be far better writers than I am!